Found Object Project
I seem to be having a bit of trouble with this next project. The assignment is to choose at least six found objects and attach them together in at least 12 different scenarios, documenting each via photograph. The compositions individually must work as a sentence, the connection of objects creating words.
While watching the movie "Harold and Maude" I became inspired by a particular scene in which Maude is seen walking amongst a group of mourners returning to their vehicles after a funeral. The mourners walk solemnly with black umbrellas in hand whilst Maude deploys a bright yellow one. Upon viewing this scene I became interested in the quirky nature Maude's umbrella symbolizes. Somehow I came to the conclusion that I would like to propel a similar umbrella by means of a powerful fan, one that just so happened to exist in my basement. I would then attach the umbrella to the center of the fan's face plate. For aesthetic I would then attach a plaster hand I had once found in the trash, missing all but the thumb and palm. To complete the missing parts I would drill into the plaster and connect copper wire pieces to simulate a bone structure. All the while I concerning myself with the weight on the over all object.
Later in the eve I assembled the test contraption but was unsuccessful in its movement. Then Gabrielle and Reed helped me by exchanging the original wooden base with a child's plastic shopping cart toy. With this new base and a little shove for momentum the cart gathered speed and began to roll down the hall. SUCCESS! Now only to formalize the idea, administer more solid connections, and create a custom base with more fluid turning wheels. If only I new more about simple motors I'd like to make this work without depending upon a nearby outlet. I guess I really just need to waltz about scantily clad in a couple Engineering buildings, I meannn.

More pictures--> (album title: Found Object Project)
In the end this effort was shot down as it was not executed in a manner pertaining to the project. Yet it will remain an effort I would like to pursue in my own time regardless. Eventually I would like it to be mostly black, cold, threatening, and creepy; commenting on urban business bodies hustling through city streets. Once accomplishing that much I'd then take it to just such a location and set the beast free!
So I was forced to move onto a new idea addressing the assignment. Left in a rut I decided a late night excursion with Matt West and a boy named Justin would determine the direction of my next idea. This adventure proved to be extremely inspirational. I acquired many a thing that night, the most cherished being a wealth of knowledge found within the bindings of a few books on inventions. New implications of simple inventions is the direction I would like my line of work to follow. As for the benefit of the found objects assignment, there were quite a few beakers and machines that I will incorporate.
I believe I will now be using Petri dishes, beakers, clear plastic tubing, live fish, water, a fish tank aerator, faux fur, string, glue, wire, and a bobble head doll. We'll see how this goes over. I just can't seem to work in the process in which Michael would like to see. Rather than discovering the process my work though making I usually resolve any plossible problems on paper or in my mind before starting construction. However, I will proceed to make the effort though I doubt it will satisfy me, upsetting as this is my main source of gratification. Though, I wish not to be ignorant towards new methods of thinking. If my best efforts aren't enough so be it.
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